
Teri Citterman

Teri Citterman – I really can’t say enough about the standard of work and success Stephen and his team have achieved for my company. I hired Stephen to increase my online presence through LinkedIn and Facebook and grow my email list. Over the course of our engagement, he took over my social media work as well. I’ve been overwhelmingly pleased with the results. He is reliable, creative, and resourceful. He is proactive – offering both opinions and expertise. Most importantly, Stephen and his team are easy to work with, organized, and accountable. I highly recommend Stephen and feel 100% confident when I refer my clients and colleagues to him.

Jeff McInnis

Jeff McInnis – Stephen and his team managed the social media presence for my young company when it was just getting started. He did a great job and at a great price. Starting a company, particularly in technology, means you have way more work than you can possibly do. They took the social media marketing piece on and ran with it. No matter how my week was going and no matter how many tasks went unfinished on my to-do list, I knew I always had a great social media presence. Thanks, Stephen! Keep up the good work!

Shelly Miller – It’s not often that you come across a talented person like Stephen. I had the pleasure of working with Stephen in the late 90’s at Kaplan Communications. It was rare to find a web developer skilled in both designing and developing websites, Stephen was one of the few. What’s more impressive was his ability to create unique designs despite having a quota of 2 to 3 websites a day for Bellsouth. I’d work with Stephen again if given the opportunity.

Steve Pearson – Stephen has been directing my social media campaign for the past three months and is helping with a number of successful changes. Previously, I was not reaching new clients and having difficulty explaining my non-traditional business through social media. A good friend connected me to Stephen and he made a number of immediate changes that I’m quite proud of, including improvements to my LinkedIn profile and a new Twitter account (@PearsonStrategy) that is being used! Stephen’s guidance has opened doors to a large number of conversations with interesting people and exciting groups on LinkedIn that will ultimately result in reaching new clients who I know I can serve well.

Jackson Powell – Before working with Mr. Jones and his team, my company’s sales pipeline was empty. As a Graphic Designer starting up a small business, I didn’t have time to learn and implement a LinkedIn marketing strategy on my own. With his team approach and sound strategy, Stephen has helped me to go from zero to dozens of qualified leads for my company through LinkedIn. The most important benefit I’ve received by working together with Mr. Jones over time has been the life long lasting LinkedIn marketing skills that I now use every day. His team works efficiently to help me reach my marketing goals, freeing me up to focus on other aspects of my business. His client engagement methodology influences my decisions daily, and as a result my marketing inbox is filled regularly with leads and referral partners contacting me. Thanks to Stephen Jones and his team, I feel like I have a seasoned marketing expert on my side to rely on when I need help. If you want to improve your engagement efforts by ways of positioning yourself or your company as a trusted expert in your industry, hire Stephen immediately.

Bruce Swartz – When I think of Stephen Jones, it takes me back to my school days and my favorite teacher Mr. Orlandi. Of all the teachers I had, and many of them were really good, Mr. Orlandi stood out for several reasons, but two provided me with the most important tools I would need to become successful in life; he made learning fun and engaged me in being better at whatever I did. Stephen Jones exhibits those same exact qualities with business owners and his record bears me out. His demeanor is that of a personal friend, even when you first meet Stephen, making it extremely enjoyable and easy to develop “Growth Strategies” with him… and the name of his company fits him perfectly. What makes him so different is his ability to listen and fully understand what is important, then provide recommendations which have successfully helped hundreds of businesses in over 50 industries. It is a pleasure and honor in calling Stephen Jones a friend and having him as a colleague.

Vicki Judge – Stephen and his team at Linked Insite have helped me get almost instant exposure on LinkedIn! They are getting me in front of my target audience on such a regular basis, that I’m getting dozens of conversations, messages and interactions with prospects every week. I didn’t have to know a lot about LinkedIn because his LinkedIn Marketing Program gives me a “team” that takes the lead for me. I’m becoming well known for my industry in a relatively SHORT period of time, thanks to them doing the work and activities that need to be done for me based on our strategy.

Wendy Ellin – Knowing what I now know about Stephen and his marketing insight and creativity, I should have hired him YEARS ago! It is such a relief to have someone that actually serves as a partner in my business. Stephen continues to share his ideas and strategies while also sharing in the success of my business. He and his team are making a tremendous difference in the growth and evolution of my business. I can’t thank them enough!

Kris Cavanaugh – I met Stephen in 2007 and have been networking with him since then. Every year he has shared his knowledge and expertise with me, my clients, and my subscribers through interviews and great articles. I finally got around to hiring Stephen in September 2009. The results were immediate and amazing. His social media program has doubled my subscriber base (I have gone from just over 400 names to almost 1000) and has generated way more exposure for my business than I could do by myself. If you are frustrated with your social media marketing efforts YOU NEED TO TALK TO STEPHEN! The best thing about Stephen is that he doesn’t try to “sell you” — instead he gathers information, makes suggestions, and let’s you make your own decision (I said no at least 4 times before I finally hired him). Like all great business owners, Stephen puts your needs first and trys to help however he can. If you need a personal recommendation about Stephen’s work, feel free to contact me. I’m thrilled with the service I’m receiving and would recommend Stephen’s company to anyone.

Victoria Gloster – Stephen and his associates have done a great job in building my company’s social network, and have educated me along the way. Always available and responsive, Stephen and his team have crafted a strong but flexible strategy to expand my network and potential market pool. Stephen provides excellent feedback and information, always staying on top of tasks and in touch. With Stephen’s team managing our network development, it has grown exponentially without me having to take time from other critical projects. That alone is invaluable. 

Ken Kingery – Stephen is on the leading edge of social media marketing and his firm, Reign City Creative delivers a TON of value for the buck! They get you going in this social media world fast and keep your company there in a current and relevant manner. I highly recommend his services. Thanks to Stephen and his team, I feel like I have a marketing expert on my side to rely on whenever we need help.

Julian Reid – Stephen helped me in a re-launch of my business in two key ways: One was in the objective tasks of identifying and confirming all key impact areas and other traditional elements of a sound business plan. The second way was with great creativity and ideas to more effectively market and communicate with my prospects. The result was a clear, focused strategy for moving forward with metrics and assumptions in the plan. Next, I asked Stephen to help me with my social media network marketing. Stephen’s tactics to improve my “digital footprint” resulted in a number of business leads that usually take weeks, if not months, to create! If your small business needs a marketing boost leading to more sales, then don’t waste valuable time. Call Stephen and get the expert value he delivers!

Robert Wilson – Stephen and his team are experts at promoting your business whether it is helping you develop a cutting edge marketing strategy that gets the customer to come to you (instead of you having to go them); or harnessing the myriad of social media to create buzz and excitement about your company. Trust Stephen to put your business on the map!

Ruthie Wolfe – Reign City Creative is an absolute POWERHOUSE of great business strategies and ideas! Their product knowledge is incredible, and they place the needs of others before their own – focusing on the fact that “as we give, so shall we receive”. I can attest to Stephen’s focus for making sure those in his circle of influence are positively influenced…his team spirit of “yes you can” resonates in every communication I have ever received from this man! I consider Stephen my marketing GURU, and I am privileged to call him my friend!

Andy Lowe – Stephen has a keen sense of effective marketing and great insight on how it fits into the entire sales process. With his team approach and strategy, they have helped me to go from zero to dozens of qualified leads for my company through their efforts. He has a genuine interest in people and finding innovative solutions that fit their needs. When results are what counts I recommend you have Stephen on the team.

Chuck Papandrea – Commitment. Professional. Excellence. Expertise. Results. Character and Integrity. As I continue to learn more about Stephen and see him in action, I have seen these traits displayed with great consistency. Stephen and the Reign City Creative process can transform your business, taking it to new heights. Work with him, and you’ll see these same traits in action yourself.

Andy Greider – Of all the guests we’ve had on Uniqueness is Power, Stephen’s episode stands out among the almost 100 done to date. Why? Because in the interview, you get a glimpse of how Stephen helps his clients – with practical, yet creative, well founded yet adventurous advice. Stephen pushes the envelope of comfort in a good way, encouraging his clients to take action in their own growth destiny – and he does it in a way the assuages their minds. He’s the only consultant I know who will work on a plan solely based on results. Now THAT’s a guarantee worth taking! When I first met Stephen, I knew I’d met someone who was intelligent, articulate and wise. Over the past years, I’ve found him to be driven to help others succeed, savvy in his approach and real in his personality. It is rare to find such attributes in one person, much less in someone who can help you grow your business. I recommend Stephen without hesitation and with full vigor.